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St Wilfrid's Catholic School

Core Spiritual Development

Our VI Form students have two hours a fortnight of Core Spiritual Development. In this time, they are given the space to explore, question, evaluate, reflect on, and apply their own beliefs while respecting the beliefs of others. A central aspect of this time is a culture of dialogue.


The aims of Core Spiritual Development (CSD)

  • To develop a good understanding of Catholic Social Teaching
  • To provide the opportunity to reflect on and develop a student’s faith position
  • Promote the moral, spiritual and cultural development of each student
  • Explore ethical and religious matters with regard to modern culture
  • To engage fully and to contribute to the betterment of society


  • Regular attendance – Students must be present for every session unless they are absent from school due to illness or any other authorised reason
  • Attitude to Lessons – Students are expected to engage actively in sessions through participation in activities, discussion and group work



How does CSD contribute to my future career?

  • CSD makes you more employable as you will stand out as a person equipped with a lot more than “book learning”.
  • CSD equips you with transferable and people skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, effective communication, empathy, reflection and working as a team.

Underpinning inspiration for our CSD course

In his encyclical ‘Christus Vivit,’ Pope Francis reminds us of the many complex challenges young people face today and how the previously acknowledged traditional sources of authority that help navigate these challenges are ignored or viewed with suspicion. Establishing a coherent identity and belief system can be a fraught and inconsistent process. Young people will make choices and decisions about their lives, however, the hope is that through religious education, they will not be presented with pre-packaged answers but offered the opportunity to develop the skills and outlook to ask the questions that will enable them to make informed decisions that help them make sense of the world in which they live and ultimately lead them to contribute to the betterment of society.