Special Educational Needs
We welcome students of differing academic abilities to St Wilfrid's and recognise that some may have additional learning needs and/or disabilities.
To facilitate access to the curriculum and school life, our SENCo has responsibility for co-ordinating information about students who require different approaches. The SENCo is responsible for working with colleagues and parents in a consultative role.
In dealing with the learning difficulties and disabilities of students within St Wilfrid’s, the guiding principle used is the ‘graduated approach’ recommended by the SEND Code of Practice (2015). Students are included within mainstream teaching wherever possible; lessons are differentiated and teaching assistants may be available to support in subjects across all key stages.
The school assesses the needs of its students through a variety of group screening tests. On the basis of that testing, and on other information, students may be placed on the SEND Register.
Strategies include differentiated learning within the classroom, ‘catch up’ sessions in small groups or individual sessions. Some students may have additional help from outside agencies. The SENCo liaises with specialist agencies, such as the teams of professionals employed by the local authority.
Mrs Fran Kerr SENCo f.kerr@stwilfrids.com