English Literature
English Literature : the A level which opens doors
Qualification Information
Entry Requirements: GCSE grades 5-9
Length of Course: 2 Years Full Time
Assessment: 20% Coursework 80% Examinations
Components: Paper One: Love through the Ages
Paper Two: Modern Times
NEA: Texts in time
Qualification: AQA: A Level English Literature
You will study how writers have used their works to show us what attitudes and beliefs were like across time from 1500s to contemporary times. The texts covered are all controversial in their own ways from insight into gender imbalance; explorations of sexuality; prejudice and injustice to the Civil Rights movements. This is thought provoking and means lots of discussion. We also watch varied interpretations of the texts and consider how they've been presented and why.
This course relies on you reading independently and widely. It is an academic subject that is one of the Russell Group's facilitating subjects and is therefore highly respected by universities and employers. Studying English Literature shows that you are conceptual and see 'the bigger picture'.
English Literature opens doors! Over the years we have seen many past students go to train to be lawyers and doctors because of the prestige of the subject as well as lots of varied careers such as actors, teachers and academics.
- Is it like GCSE English Literature?
Yes, it is similar, but you will find that the texts are more complex and cover more adult issues. - How much reading will I have to do?
Lots of the reading will be covered in lessons, but there will also be an expectation that you read chapters or scenes at home on your own, in order that the content is covered. - Will there be lots of essays?
Essays will form your response to the texts but not entirely! We will do lots of preparation on how to write in the examinations, but we do lots of other work too like collages; presentations and short answer questions.