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St Wilfrid's Catholic School

“What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” Karl Lagerfeld

Subject Leader:   Mr Tennant
Photography Teachers: Miss Mills & Mrs Youngman
Website: St Wilfrid's Catholic School:  Photography



The Photography Department at St Wilfrid’s strives to help students develop the visual literacy skills they will need to fully participate in today’s media driven society. It aims to inspire students to question what they see and to ask why and how images have been produced and to give them the confidence to express themselves through the creating of their own visual imagery.


Key Stage 4

GCSE Photography is an optional subject in Years 10 and 11. We follow the AQA Art and Design specification. This has two components which together cover a range of techniques and genres through both internally and externally set assignments and projects.

Component 1: Portfolio (coursework)

This involves students producing work for a portfolio of evidence. During Year 10 and the first part of Year 11 students explore the theme of ‘Truthful Representations’. Students are initially taught the history of photography and basic camera operation fundamentals before looking more closely at the genres of still life and portraits in order to develop skills in using a range of processes and techniques whilst developing their own individual ideas for outcomes. Students are introduced to a range of photographers both historical and contemporary and are expected to analyse work in order to inform their own work.


  • History of photography and camera basics
  • The still life, F64 and Vanitas
  • Portraits, studio and natural lighting
  • Portraits and emotion
  • Portraits and Mixed Media

Component 2: Externally set project with a timed practical exam

Students have an externally set assignment. They receive their paper in January and work from this point until the timed examination in May on developing ideas based on their chosen exam question. They then produce a final piece in the final 10 hour timed examination.


Key Stage 5

Photography is also offered at A-level where we follow the Edexcel Art and Design specification. The components covered offer students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the subject and to further develop their own practical skills.

Year 1:

Component 1

This component comprises of an internally set themed project titled ‘Perfection and Imperfection’ where students are expected to provide evidence of: research and analysis of the work of photographers, experimentation with techniques, development of ideas and the realisation of personal final outcomes. Students explore a range of genres including portraiture, still life and digital manipulation. Students complete component 1 by working on an extended project where they work more independently.

Year 2:

Component 1

Students work on their own personal investigation. Their chosen area is decided at the end of Year 12 in negotiation with their teacher. The decision is made based on the student’s strengths and area of interest. They work in an electronic sketchbook developing ideas and then produce a series of final outcomes. Students also produce a 1000 word essay based on their investigations for their personal study

Component 2:

Students have an externally set assignment. They receive their paper in February and work from this point until the timed examination in June on developing ideas based on the exam question. They then produce a final piece in the final 15 hour timed examination.